Follow the Links

and be amazed by how many different ways you can support prisoners!

The Prison Service    for a full list of UK prisons    

The Prison Reform Trust    

Community Chaplaincy Association

Inside Time  – online site for the prison Newspaper  

Prison Fellowship   – Angel Tree / Sycamore Tree/ Alpha /

Email a prisoner   or write to a prisoner through Prison Fellowship

Go for meal at The Clink     restaurant / home delivery / gift shop

Arts and Education in Prison:     

Arts in Criminal Justice

Fine Cell Work Great shopping ideas here!

The Shannon Trust unlocking the power to read

Koestler Trust prisoners’ art gallery and shop.

Music in Prisons:    

The Irene Taylor Trust  

Jail Guitar Doors  

Changing Tunes  


Prisons Week       

Caring for ex offenders

Alpha in prisons 

The Welcome Directory 

The Nazareth Way  

Children and Young People

The Mothers Union    – helping in many ways including looking after children during prison visits.

Children Seen & Heard 

The Princes Trust

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